- info@bkauk.org.uk
- Jamie Taylor: 07999 354 911, Shane Evans: 07376 669 333
The membership fee covers applications from a single person & joint applications from a husband & wife.
Join the Bird Keeper’s Association and receive 50% discount on your first table hire at one of our meetings. You will also be eligible for 15% off a purchase of checkmite made through the website. You will also be entitled to free access when accompanying a seller (only two persons are allowed with each table hire)
On completing your purchase of a membership and paying your first year’s membership fee by credit/debit card you will be sent an email which will contain discount codes. These discount codes will work only on the members’ version of table hire and checkmite products and a current membership must be held for these products to be purchased.
Your membership will help to support our activities and enable us to continue promoting the hobby.
£15.00 / year